Sunday, June 24, 2012

Foreclosure help offered -

Maricopa County residents in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure may seek help from Neighborhood Housing Services of Phoenix.

In a partnership with grocery chain Bashas', the non-profit housing organization is setting up a home-aid stand today at a Southwest Valley Food City grocery store to help troubled homeowners take the first step to getting help. Help will be available from 4- 7 p.m. today at Food City, 6544 W. Thomas Ave., Phoenix.

A similar opportunity was offered Wednesday at a Food City in Avondale.

Patricia Garcia Duarte, president and CEO of Neighborhood Housing Services of Phoenix, said that counseling won't be conducted at the home-aid stand but that homeowners can go there to begin getting help to save their homes through mortgage modification or to find a reasonable alternative to foreclosure, such as a short sale.

The workers at the stand will set up appointments for homeowners to see counselors and tell them which documents they need to take to those appointments.

"We will advocate for a better (mortgage) payment overall," Garcia Duarte said. "I would say to homeowners: Take advantage that we are here. We're a trusted source. We know what we're doing, and if there is a way, we're going to make sure we explore every avenue. The worst thing is not to do anything."

The housing-services group has been operating in Maricopa County for 37 years, offering a wide range of homeownership programs and services, Garcia Duarte said.
Neighborhood Housing Services is a member of the national NeighborWorks network, which gives it access to financial support, technical assistance and training.

Since 2009, the Phoenix housing services program has helped more than 1,580 families stay in their homes.

"There are too many people who are still not seeking help," Garcia Duarte said.
More information is available on at

By David Madrid, The Republic| Jun 9, 2012

Foreclosure help offered -