Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Google Vows To Invest $1B On New Housing In Silicon Valley

Search giant Google on Tuesday promised to invest more than $1 billion creating thousands of new homes in California's Bay Area, continuing a trend among large companies to spend big sums on solving a growing housing affordability crisis.


New federal tax rules create advantage for real estate investment trusts

As Generation X and millennials inherit their baby boomer parents' assets amid the so-called Great Wealth Transfer, some will look to invest it in rental property to generate income.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

You can now buy your house on Amazon

Some Americans apparently love to fantasize about an extreme downsize that reduces their personal space to the bare minimum and slashes their cost of living to a fraction of what it once was. Hence, the rise of the tiny house trend.


Multifamily lenders unprepared for end of LIBOR

Many multifamily lenders are preparing for the end of LIBOR, but are waiting on regulators to make decisions before they take action.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

California Housing Market Driving Millennials Back to Parents' Doorsteps

More millennials are moving back in with their parents in the San Francisco and San Jose, California, areas, according to a report by The Mercury News. More than a fifth of millennials (ages 23-37) lived with their parents in 2017, according to information from Zillow and U.S. Census Data.


California Housing Market Driving Millennials Back to Parents' Doorsteps

More millennials are moving back in with their parents in the San Francisco and San Jose, California, areas, according to a report by The Mercury News. More than a fifth of millennials (ages 23-37) lived with their parents in 2017, according to information from Zillow and U.S. Census Data.